
Affirmations of Faith

I am faith.............I believe in the love that God has for me..............With the reminder of that love I speak to the fears of the mind.

God has already paved the ways for me that He wishes me to take.

I follow the will of God without a question .............Whatever I plan I place at His feet.............

If the will of God is different from what I planned I know I have been rescued by His merciful love once again.

What do I need to fear when I know that He has promised that He is always a step ahead............He is always a step behind and is always at the same time walking every step with me.

I speak to Him from within my heart............I speak to Him loud and clear...........I do not let the voices of fear disturb my prayer to Him.

I know He has answered.............each time..........For each time I speak to Him I fill with peace and joy.

I know I have to pay the dues of the past...............Those I shall pay with the devotion that I have found for God.

I shall face the troubles with a smile for I know that my present shines in seeking truth and obeying its laws.

God does not test me........He gives to me greater strength to abide in faith so I can face the past that I myself have created to come.

I do not fear my faith in God............I fear losing it for attachments to worldly temptations.

I cry before God never to leave me..............never!

I hear Him in my heart.....He says, "I am still in your heart...........your faith must be still in Me."

I am faith................I carry within me the love of God...............and in whatever I do, I believe in that love alone."
